Dear Readers, I’m aware of the technical difficulties with the program I recorded this vlog (and the ones up until around Feb 14th) with. Hang with me, the quality will get better! Join the Cheesecake Reader Lounge on Facebook —
Tag: #MyLifeInDevelopmentalEdits
#MyLifeInDevelopmentalEdits Feb 2nd
Dear Readers, This is my February 2nd vlog. Looking back this seems so long ago. It’s crazy! Please remember when watching these, there is a two week gap between recording and sharing. Quick note, I totally misspoke and said KDP is the Kindle exclusive program. It is not. That Read More
#MyLifeInDevelopmentalEdits Feb 1st
Dear Readers, Today is the first vlog in my journey being a full time writer. Looking back on this with two weeks of distance, it’s still a crazy adventure, but I’m a lot more optimistic about things. Also, I’ve since bought a new webcam, so the quality should improve Read More