So this weekend I’m going to FenCon, a local science fiction and fantasy focused entertainment convention. It’s not a big writing con, but there is a writing track I’m going to be following. So here are thirteen things I plan on doing or attending at FenCon!
- Thursday night and both Saturday and Sunday morning writer’s workshops.
- Comedy Writing with the guest of honor, Gail Carriger, author of the Parasol Protectorate books.
- From Secretary to Superhero: Evolution of Women in Comics, with a large panel of people including one of my favorite local YA authors.
- Since the theme this year is steampunk there are a lot of craft workshops. One of which is Suck It In: Corset Basics. I’ve been making corsets for years but I’m always interested in new techniques!
- There will be a Small Press Roundtable, which will be interesting to attend and network.
- Business of Writing with editor Lou Anders from Pyr Books. I might have an editor crush here!
- Who Took the Horror Out of My Horror? with a smattering of horror authors.
- Oh My God! You Killed Rory! The New Season of Doctor Who, because I’m a Dr Who fan. Yes, I really am.
- Writers Beware: Publishing Scams with some local and guest athors.
- Applying Screenwriting Techniques to Stories with Lou Anders, another one of the secret workshops only available for the workshop participants.
- Plausibility in Fantasy, talking about how everything needs to make sense, even if it’s impossible.
- Economics of Fantasy. As a fan of the Freakonomics podcast, I’m highly interested in talking economics of fantasy!
- The shopping!!!!
Wow!! Wish I was going. Our local Sci-fi/fantasy Con is in October, and I’ll go to that. But I’m talking small. I was going to go to Tesla Con (it’s only 9 hours away)but since i’m saving for RT, I’ll have to pass after all. I too make corsets, but from the 16th century. Slightly different shape than the 19th century. Would still ove to go to that workshop. Have fun!
Maddy Barone recently posted..13 Things To Do on my Birthday
Yeah, I’m more familiar with earlier period corsets but in playing with them I’ve learned the similarities lend themselves well to working with the different patterns. I’m a fan of self supporting garmetns if we’re talking period, like a nice cotehardie or something.
Sidney recently posted..Thursday Thirteen: Going to Con
Sounds like you’ve got a lot to look forward to – and plenty to keep you busy! Have a great time!
Sounds cool! Have fun!
My TT is at
Ooh, I wanna come! Sounds like a lot I’d enjoy there.
Robin L. Rotham recently posted..Thirteen Photos of Our New House!
Wish it was close enough for my family and I to go. I’d like the writing track, and my ds just got into Steampunk.
Alice Audrey recently posted..A Random 13
So many conferences. So little time (and money). LOL! This one looks awesome!
Jennifer Leeland recently posted..Welcome
Have a fabulous time! It sounds great.
Darla M Sands recently posted..Thursday Thirteen – Female Crooners
It sounds like so much fun! You’ve got to share notes from the Doctor Who panel when you get back!
Happy T13,
13 Fitness Gadgets