Dear Readers,
I think I have something in my eye. Like, seriously. Can someone help me get this out? I swear I wasn’t just crying. Maybe it’s just the pain killers?
I just received word that you guys voted, and voted super hard. I’m so blown away and humbled to say that because of you guys, Committed won it’s second round match-up. I cannot even begin to express how shocked and grateful and amazed and just humbled that you guys voted for me. All I wanted to do going into this competition was to win one round. I never expected this and I’m so thankful, and grateful, and just shocked. I mean, I think Committed is a great book, but I’m biased.
I love hearing that you guys are voting for me, that Committed moved off your TBR shelf and into your hands, or someone went out and one-clicked it because of the contest. Thank you guys so very, very, very much.
For those who were just introduced to Committed and the Drug of Desire world, it was just announced that there will be another book–Proposition. I think it’s pretty awesome.
Thank you, guys. Really. You humble me.
You deserve it. A wonderful story and HOT scene! 😉 Looking forward to the next Drug of Desire book. Congratulations and lucky us!