Thanks so much for having me here today Sidney to talk about Forfeit, my debut erotic novel.
How would you feel if someone invited you to live out your wildest fantasies, and took away all the responsibility from you, would you do it?!
Cat knows all about being a good girl and what she should do, but she also has a few ideas about what she’d like to do. She’s already got into trouble and been dropped like a hot stone by her fiancé, who’s decided she’s not the polite girl he thought she was, so should she try and be good for the rest of her life?
It seems the best plan, until she has a steamy hot session with bad boy Brent which she’d love to repeat. But she daren’t. Then she finds herself in a mess, and the only way out is to pay the forfeit – take a starring role in Brent’s sexual fantasies.
His hands skated over her thighs, thumbs tantalizingly close to her pussy, and she groaned, her hands drifting up to her breasts.
‘I didn’t tell you to do that.’ The soft words against her ear held a command as he pushed her hands down, and in one movement he had unzipped the dress and stepped back to watch it slither down and pool round her ankles. ‘I’m taking care of you tonight and all you have to do is let me.’ She could feel the dampness between her thighs at the whispered words. ‘That’s all, darling.’ She knew he could tell that was the hardest thing in the world for her. Unless she really didn’t have any choice.
And would you carry on when what you’re being asked to do starts to stir up bad memories from the past?
Her eyes shot open and for a moment she stared unseeing at him. ‘No.’ Nice girls didn’t do this; only sluts did, in secret. She tried to pull away, but he was too quick for her, his hand already on her waist, holding her steady and for a second she saw confusion cloud his eyes.
‘Cat, trust me. You trust me, don’t you?’ His voice was soft but urgent, drawing her back to him, his hand softly massaging her waist, a gentle thumb circling on her stomach. She dropped her eyes to his chest, not wanting to meet his gaze, not wanting to challenge him, but this was wrong. ‘Cat?’ His voice drew her back, mesmerised her; she had no choice and when she met his gaze she saw only confidence and openness. ‘It’ll be fine, Cat, everything’s fine.’ His soothing voice cradled her.
She put a hand on his chest. ‘It’s wrong.’ The small words were a whisper, hardly there.
Would you want the responsibility back?
And in that second she suddenly saw that he was doing what she always did, which was why she hardly knew him. He’d forced her out in to the open, forced her doors open, but she’d never fought her way into his life, never tried to look behind his defences. ‘I can’t leave it, Brent.’ He looked like he was going to fight and she could feel her insides tense up. ‘I’m coming with you.’
But what happens when it starts to be something more than lust, and you don’t want the fantasies to end?
He’d made her feel alive, made her laugh, made her tell him secrets that she’d never shared with anyone. She hugged her knees closer to her chest. He’d not really wormed his way into her heart with lies and deception, because the route had always been open for him. Since that first time he’d smiled at her, that first touch, that first time he’d held her.
If you’ve enjoyed the snippets here’s the blurb!
Cat’s life is falling apart – her boyfriend’s dumped her, she’s lost her home and she’s about to quit her job. Her boss, Brent, has a solution: become his wife for a year, to help him land a big promotion. But Cat’s had a taste of Brent before, and she knows he’s a bad boy who loves women and leaves them. So she agrees to marry him, but tells him there’s to be no sex. He adds his own condition: if she as much as talks to another man in that time, she must pay, by acting out 12 of Brent’s kinkiest sex fantasies. When she breaks the rule, the forfeit is on: but opening up and letting Brent into her heart, as well as her bed, could be the most dangerous game of all …
If you want to read more…buy links – Xcite Books, Amazon (UK), Amazon (US), Barnes & Noble, All Romance and all other good e-book sellers.
There are more teasers on my blog and I love to talk, you can find me in lots of places!
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