Dear Reader,
I’ve never watched the Bachelor or the Bachelorette. The only reality dating show I’ve ever been interested in was the Millionaire Match-Maker. I decided that I was going to give this season of the Bachelorette a go. Why not? It’s TV. I can stream it at work, and I’ll understand what the big deal about it is.
Right now I’m on episode 3 and I kind of wish I hadn’t challenged myself to watch it. I might get behind on the show, but I’ll watch it. I might not like it, but my stubborn personality won’t let me stop now.
Beyond that, lets talk about the Bachelorette. I like the chick on the show. She’s a little no holds barred, but she clearly states that she wants to hold nothing back. I respect that. I doubt I could be like that, but for her it works. For me it’s the guys who break the show. They somehow find a large group of attractive, stable men – who are also huge romantics, whole heartedly in it to find true love. What skeletons are in their closet? This season there’s some business with a particular man who is on the show for the wrong reasons and in my humble opinion is a huge frikken douche bag.
The concept of the show is cool. Go on a show, meet the man of your dreams, fall in love and walk into the sunset.
That’s what happens in books. Yes, it happens in real life, but the idea that a reality show will be the setting to find the perfect complement seems a little silly to me. How many people are going to be able to open up and talk to you about the really difficult things – with a camera in your face? However, it’s not easy to meet people. Once upon a time my dad would have sold me off as a wife. These days we’re left to our own devices as women to meet men.
Once I was told by a professor that since I was graduating and not dating anyone, I had a 5% chance of meeting someone and falling in love after college. That was a head trip! I’m cautious when it comes to relationships. To say I’ve been burned is an understatement. Us normal gals don’t have the opportunity to go on a TV show and meet a pool of men. We have to work with what’s around us. Who we meet in our every day lives. If you’re adventurous, getting a friend or family member to hook you up or internet dating. You have to decide what works for you.
As nice as the guys on the Bachelorette are to look at, I think I would run in the opposite direction were I ever on a date with them. They’re too extremely hooked on the idea of love completing their life. In my opinion, love enhances your life. It’s not a basic necessity you must have to survive, but it makes it better. It’s why romance books are awesome. Finding love is an Easter Egg hunt. You don’t know if you’re next date is your last first date or not, but you know that at the end of your book you’re getting a HEA.
I’ve kind of bounced all across the board here. The Bachelorette is a cool show to watch, I kind of want to gag some of the guys, but it’s an interesting concept. I wouldn’t have thought a show where all the guys want to be with the same girl and knowing the same girl had possibly kissed or more with a guy they’re sharing a room with. However, props to them for going for it. And, I want to go to Thailand again.
Loved this! As an avid fan of all three you talk about I was always wonder what others think on the show. I’ve been watching The Bachelor & Bachelorette for years and never understand why I always go back. I know they aren’t going to find love, I do it for the drama. The good juicy drama. I feel sorry for those who are really looking to find love but it’s just not a place in which you find it all that often… if ever.
Oh the drama!!! Bently and William dished it out in episode 3. I think that the drama might bring me back for a second try.