People are the most astonishing creatures.

Dear Reader,

You’re pretty amazing.  This week has pushed home how awesome people can be.

For those who have been in my life before I went public with this blog, they know what this year has been like.  My dad had a stroke.  My dad had major surgery on his foot.  My mom almost had kidney failure.  And now my Grandmother is in the hospital.  It’s scary and I won’t be surprised when the grey hair starts coming in.  As an only child and independantly single, when these things happen it’s hard to lean anywhere.

Sometimes I think I’m a fridgid bitch because I’ve accepted that my family likes to flirt with death.  It’s what being born into this family is all about.  Death will come, so I wait with eyes wide open.  It doesn’t make the instances where a family member goes to the hospital better, it only means that I’m not unprepared.  The fact that I have a Go Bag primed for these occasions speaks to the issue.

What I have constantly been surprised by – is you.  My readers.  My friends.  People I’ve never met but offer their condolences, prayers and sometimes even dinner if I need it.  It’s unexpected and while I haven’t needed anything more than a distracting conversation, it means a lot to me.  In all the hussle and bustle of the online world we seem to think we’re becoming less involved on the person to person level.  This last week has shown me that somehow I’ve gotten pluged into the right groups of people, and I’m incredibly thankful.

0 thoughts on “People are the most astonishing creatures.

  1. Suzan says:

    Oh, Sid. Independently single doesn’t mean you have to be alone. We’re all here anytime you need us to be. You know that. We <3 you.

  2. Sidney says:

    And that’s what’s so cool. Before I could maybe count on people when I needed them. Ask me sometime about what my bestfriend did when my dad had his heart attack. You’ll want to bitchslap someone. I’m very lucky to have you guys in my life.

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