Flirty Fridays: You are not fat

So my friend Suzan and I have decided that Fridays are going to be about our online dating communications. Be prepared for a little snark, a lot of sarcasm and no exposing of identities.

This week, it’s all about the off the wall compliments from WTFville:

Do I need to say anything about this one?

Guys. I’m not fat.

I’m so not fat, I’m the anti-fat. I defy gravity.

How many people walk up to random strangers and tell them they’re not fat?

Now, I will admit that on my profile, I do label myself as a larger body type. I am. I’d rather be honest about it, and have a guy pleasantly surprised about my figure, than disillusioned and disappointed. That said, um, no I’m not overweight, and I never called myself that.

I didn’t reply to this one because, what is there to reply to? Out of my entire profile, this person keyed in on one, tiny detail that’s not in the body of my profile, it’s in the tiny, gray details. Out of everything interesting I say, that’s what they paid attention to.

So on this one, I passed.

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