Welcome to Teaser Tuesday! This week I’m hosting the lovely Angela Stone. She’s one of my twitter buddies, and I’m super happy to have her here today. You can catch up with Angela at any of these sites:
Here is a quick Tuesday teaser for you! First off the cover for “Boots on the Ground”. Now the cover needs a few edits but here you go, the first time anyone has had a look at it! You get to be the first!
What do you think?
Boots on the Ground is the second novel in my Canada’s Finest series. The first being Sometimes It’s Fate.
Here is a sneak preview from Jason and David in “Boots”:
David stood up and moved to the center of the room. He cleared his throat loudly. “Everyone I have something to say,” he said loud enough to get everyone’s attention.
Everyone stopped chatting and turned to listen to David’s announcement.
“I,” David paused and swallowed, “I—uhh—” David looked at Jason with panic in his eyes. Jason stood up and walked over to David, taking his hand and squeezing it tightly. It gave David the courage to speak. “I wanted to tell you all that Jason is more than a friend and a co-worker. A lot more.” David’s family was deathly silent so he continued. “We’ve been together for almost a year now. Jason’s been living here since March.
Carole knows and supports us. My kids know and they love their Uncle Jason. All I ask is for your support even if you don’t understand this. If you can’t do that I’m more than willing to pay for a hotel for you tonight to think it over.”
Jason was squeezing his hand so tightly. At the same time the sensation grounded him. He felt solid, and even through all of the questions he still had, all of the doubts that were overwhelming him, he knew he’d made the right decision.
Everyone in the room was silent; they all seemed to be processing the information. David’s father stood up slowly. He glanced from David to Jason and to their hands clenched tightly together. He then promptly hit the living room wall as hard as he could. His fist reverberated off the wall. David and Jason both winced with the sound.
“Papa, s’il vous plait,” David started, the rest died in his throat as his father marched over to him. David flinched and squeezed his eyes shut as his father brought his hands back up. Instead of the blow he was expecting his father enveloped him in warm and tight hug. “Je t’aime mon fils, toujours,” I will always love you my son, his father whispered in his ear.
David let go of Jason’s hand with one last tight squeeze allowing him to hug his father back as tightly as possible. “Merci,” was all he could get out as tears streamed down his face.
<3 I love my boys.
Sometimes It’s Fate is available now
Direct from the publisher: http://phaze.com/book.php?title=Sometimes+It%27s+Fate
It’s coming in PRINT! on May 8th!
Boots on the Ground will be available on May 15th, from Phaze, ( http://phaze.com) Amazon and all other major ebook resellers.
Angela, is a twenty-something Registered Nurse and writer living and working in central Canada. She is a proud Canadian and an even prouder girl from back east. She thoroughly enjoys writing novels featuring character that live in or are from the Maritimes. Angela freely admits to living at starbucks when writing as well as being a bit of a social hermit, when she isn’t busy looking for Mr. Right (or hey even Mr. Wrong) she is working hard on advocating for persons with disabilities.
Author Links:
Email: angela@angelastone.ca
Website: http://angelastone.ca
Twitter: @angelasstone
Facebook: facebook.com/AngelaStone.Writer
Nice cover, Angela!
Thank you! It’s a fab cover :)! I’m so in-love!
Angela S. Stone (@AngelaSStone) recently posted..Who had the meanest Mom growing up? I Did!
What a great cover! So happy for you! And the excerpt was really intriguing