- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
- Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
Welcome back to Six sentence Sunday! I’m sharing from my July release, Under His Skin. This book is part of the Ellora’s Cave Pricked series, and is the first book in what I hope will be a really cool series all about a team of tattoo artists. Check back for more information about the book and the rest of the series!
Don’t forget about my giveaway from yesterday. It’s open through next Saturday!
I hope you’ll forgive the glimpse of booty in favor for the awesome tattoos.
Our heroine, Pandora, has arrived at a tattoo convention and is chatting with her co-worker, Autumn, and has just asked if her father has gone by their booth.
“No. Is he coming? It would be cool to meet him. See how far the apple fell from the old tree and all that.”
“I invited him and my stepmom, but I don’t know if they’re coming.” Pandora swallowed and looked anywhere but at Autumn. Her dad wouldn’t come, but even as a grown-ass woman, it didn’t stop her from wishing he’d pretend he cared.
And that’s the share this week.
You can pre-order Under His Skin at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, or go pick it up at Ellora’s Cave on July 20th.
A woman who doesn’t believe she deserves love…
Toe-curling kisses and enough sex to fill a weekend were all Pandora wanted from a fling with her teenage crush. She’s never forgotten how he played the knight in shining armor to her damsel in distress. She’s ready to say thank you in several naughty ways, so long as she can walk away when it’s over with her heart intact.
A man moving on from tragedy…
Brian has no intention of allowing the feisty tattoo artist to leave him after one taste. He hasn’t had enough of her inked curves. The packaging might have changed, but Pandy is the woman he hasn’t been able to excise from his memory. He’s ready to put together a new life, one that includes her. But he’s not the only one vying for her attention. Someone else wants her, dead or alive.
If you would like to check out the rest of the Six Sentence crowd, visit the official website at SixSunday.com.
‘Forgive’ the glimpse of booty? Are you nuts?
Aw, poor Pandora.
Sucks when people let you down.
Well, some people take offense to a little bare bottom.
Sidney recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
Aww, hate that type of disappointment. It’s hard to stop hoping when it’s a loved one.
Lila Shaw recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday — Soul of the Succubus #1 #SixSunday
Awww, poor thing. Even a grown woman wants her parents’ support.
Dee Carney recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday
Aww, that stinks. Can feel her distress.
Eleri Stone recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday
Tattoos? Did he have tattoos. I must have been distracted by something else.
Poor Autum. That stinks no matter your age. Great six!
Sidney recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin
Poor girl. I can totally feel her disappointment.
Sad how a parent can make a grown child’s life miserable. Had personal experience with that one. Very hard and sad in the end.
Yes that’s sad, but these days all too frequent. Well done!
sue recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday July 8
My line of sight went to the yummy bum, thanks for pointing out his tattoos, very nice. Parental neglect always gets me, deep 6
S. J. Maylee recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday #25
Poor Pandora, I know how that feels

Elyzabeth recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday
Nothing to forgive. -winks-
And aww, a heart breaking glimpse of character here. Grown woman or not, you still want family who cares.
Oh, I feel for her. Great six! And the entire pic works for me.

Jessica Subject recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday – Six from my upcoming release, The Power of Three #sixsunday #erotica
I feel for Pandora. Very nice six!
Carrie-Anne recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday
Awwww. I feel sad for her. Great excerpt to reveal her character!
Dara Ames recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday "Don’t Be Late" #sixsunday
Super interesting premise and the tattoo IS lovely–the rest is, too. Great to see a glimpse of your character in this six. Tells a lot about her past/relationship with her father succinctly.
Like the Six. Like the photo. Like the name Pandora shortened to Pandy. Cute.
Cara Bristol recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday: the naked shower dance
Never apologize for a truly luscious bum…tats were cool too
I know exactly how your heroine feels, and it ain’t good. Damn, but these Pricked books are going to blow my book-buying budget to Kingdom come!
Sounds like a nicely woven story, even if it almost never even got written.
Jessica Knauss recently posted..SSS: Medieval Sleeping Arrangements and Derangements
Nothing to forgive…for realz! I love tattoos and love tattoo stories, so definitely intrigued!
Laura Kaye recently posted..#SixSunday 64 – Ella meets Zeph + #WestofWant Scavenger Hunt!