Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series Under His Skin

Quick contest reminder, you can still enter my giveaway from yesterday! 

Welcome back to Six sentence Sunday! I’m sharing from my July release, Under His Skin. This book is part of the Ellora’s Cave Pricked series, and is the first book in what I hope will be a really cool series all about a team of tattoo artists. Check back for more information about the book and the rest of the series!

I kinda wonder if this dude is for real. Between the awesome dragon art and those abs?

Our heroine, Pandora, has arrived at a tattoo convention and is finally showing up at the booth for the shop she works at.

She paused outside their booth. A hand-painted banner displayed the shop logo, a classic pin-up astride a tattoo machine. There was enough room inside the partitioned-off space for two stations. Currently Mary and Kellie were tag teaming a client. Mary worked the outline and the darker shading while Kellie came behind her with color. There could be only one person they’d work on together, a regular client by the name of Jerry.

And that’s the share this week.

You can pre-order Under His Skin at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, or go pick it up at Ellora’s Cave on July 20th.

A woman who doesn’t believe she deserves love…

Toe-curling kisses and enough sex to fill a weekend were all Pandora wanted from a fling with her teenage crush. She’s never forgotten how he played the knight in shining armor to her damsel in distress. She’s ready to say thank you in several naughty ways, so long as she can walk away when it’s over with her heart intact.

A man moving on from tragedy…

Brian has no intention of allowing the feisty tattoo artist to leave him after one taste. He hasn’t had enough of her inked curves. The packaging might have changed, but Pandy is the woman he hasn’t been able to excise from his memory. He’s ready to put together a new life, one that includes her. But he’s not the only one vying for her attention. Someone else wants her, dead or alive.

If you would like to check out the rest of the Six Sentence crowd, visit the official website at

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17 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday: Under His Skin

  1. Stacey Kennedy says:

    Um…I got stuck on that picture for a while! LOL! Sounds like an amazing story!! Congrats on the upcoming release!

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