Oh man, I feel like it’s my birthday or something! But that doesn’t happen until December, so I guess I just have great luck.
Late Friday I got this lovely little present in my inbox. It’s the cover for Bound with Pearls, my first BDSM/Taboo line book with Ellora’s Cave. No idea when it will be out yet, but they really knocked this one out of the park. I seriously couldn’t be happier with it. The art department at EC has been on fire lately!
I know I’ve said thank you already, but really, Karen Booth, Suzan Butler and Crystal Jordan made this book happen. Without their reassurance that it didn’t suck, I wouldn’t have had the nerve to send it to my editor. And always, my editors feedback has been spot on.
I can’t wait to share another sickeningly sweet, alpha-type hero! Only this time, he’s likely to spank you.
Ooo… I have cover envy!
It’s beautiful!
Jayne recently posted..So Long Summer, Hello Fall
Thanks Jayne! They really did a great job.
Sidney recently posted..Bound with Pearls has a cover!
OMG! I love it! So awesome! Can’t wait to read it! Happy Cover Reveal day!
Chrissy recently posted..Art Art Art!
Thanks Chrissy!
Sidney recently posted..Bound with Pearls has a cover!
Absolutely beautiful, Sidney!
Karla Doyle recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday-08/19/2012
Great cover and trailer! What song is that on the trailer?
Elle D Hayes recently posted..Where In The World Is Elle?
It’s “Luckiest Girl in the World” by Izzy Marie Hill
Wonderful cover! Congratulations ;o)
Great cover! Good luck with your book.
That’s a gorgeous cover, Sidney. I’m not surprised you’re pleased with it.
Shelley Munro recently posted..A Visit to Petrified Forest