Coming Soon: The Harder He Falls, So Inked 2!

 I’m so excited!!!!!!

I’ve been a complete spaz since I saw this little tweet from my editor on January 16th:

Jilly 3am tweet

Those who are familiar with Under His Skin know that Kellie is one of the co-owners of the So Inked tattoo shop that Pandora works for. I’ve not made a secret of the fact that I want to write my way through all the women’s lives who work there, and Kellie was the next victim – ah – heroine for my books.

Sidney NewsNeedless to say, I’m very excited to now announce that The Harder He Falls has been contracted by Ellora’s Cave.


I think these contract announcements are getting less professional each time I make them.

This is now my 8th book sale and I just keep getting more excited about each one. I never thought I’d be here, and I secretly (or not so secretly now) hope that this excitement never goes away. It’s part of what makes this whole process so addicting!

But on a serious note, The Harder He Falls was an emotional journey for me. Following in the footsteps of Under His Skin, I do talk about issues near and dear to my heart. I spent a lot of time mulling over the past and coming to terms with the death of my grandfather who had Alzheimer’s. I talk a lot about Kellie’s grandmother who was mentioned in book one.

So Inked LogoAs always, these books don’t happen without a lot of support and input by Team Awesome. Suzan, Jessica, Rebekah, Carolyn, Alice, Lea, Sophia and Linda. Thank you to all of the readers and reviewers who loved the hell out of Under His Skin and kept me excited about the series and pushing forward. Kat, you’ll get the book you want eventually, hope you like Kellie enough for now. Thank you to Kelli Collins of Ellora’s Cave who started this crazy train going by pushing me to write something else when I would have settled. And to my editor. Jilly, you’re going to give me a panic attack. I’m convinced you’re secretly a sadist, and well, that would make me a masochist because I keep coming back for more.

Those who frequent these posts often know that with each book I sell I get a new, sterling silver charm for my bracelet. I like to chose something that factors into the books and really captures the heart of the couple. In Under His Skin, it was Brian’s tattoo of a ship. For The Harder He Falls it’s a pair of boxing gloves. They were as close as I could get to mixed martial arts gloves. Both the hero and heroine really enjoy recreational fighting as a way to blow off steam, which also brings them together. So here’s to the newest addition to my bracelet!

Okay, time to get my work shoes on, The Harder He Falls will need some rough love in the editing department and I have yet more to roll out that I can’t talk about!

Thank you to everyone who keeps coming back for more.

Sidney Sig

4 thoughts on “Coming Soon: The Harder He Falls, So Inked 2!

  1. Kat says:

    Oh! I’m so thrilled for you! And happy for me :p
    More of our girls. And yes! I want Kellie’s story too :p
    Can’t wait. Write faster 😀

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