Former child actor Chris Madura returns to his hometown for Christmas with only one goal. He wants to give his stalker the slip. For one month he wants to live like a normal person without always looking over his shoulder. And maybe he'll run into his first crush? The girl he never got up the nerve to ask out before it was too late. But he can't go ten feet without people taking his picture.
With one click of a button, Mel finds herself the focus of a familiar face. It's her childhood friend and the star of all her teenage fantasies back home again. But this reunion isn't just hot, boozy chocolate and making eyes at this dreamy man. Chris is near to breaking under the stress of being hunted by an obsessed fan. Mel can't let him go through this alone, which means getting very close to one irresistible man.
It doesn't take long for the sparks to fly between Mel and Chris, drawing the ire of the person who believes Chris belongs to them. And then literal sparks send Mel's home up in a blaze, making the situation that much more dangerous this holiday.