Welcome back to my Social Media corner! Regardless of your stance about whether authors should review, comment or interact on Goodreads, I think every author should control their digital footprint when and where we can. Everything I am going to suggest in this post can work fro someone who wants Read More
Tag: Goodreads
Email: Social Media buttons.
Welcome back to my Social Media corner! This week’s post is done on request. I was taking an online class where everyone emailed a list and the messages are sent out to everyone subscribed to the class. When I send a message there’s a row of social media buttons, Read More
What venues should I focus on?
Last week I talked about why we, as writers, should be out there and invovled in social media. My argument is honestly: Why not? No one is going to sell your books better than you can. The key is knowing what sells you the best. For me, I know I Read More
I joined Goodreads
Yup, I did! Go friend me or whatever it is you do there. [Goodreads]