Welcome back to my Social Media corner! Regardless of your stance about whether authors should review, comment or interact on Goodreads, I think every author should control their digital footprint when and where we can. Everything I am going to suggest in this post can work fro someone who wants Read More
Tag: twitter
Email: Social Media buttons.
Welcome back to my Social Media corner! This week’s post is done on request. I was taking an online class where everyone emailed a list and the messages are sent out to everyone subscribed to the class. When I send a message there’s a row of social media buttons, Read More
Newsletter: Setting up MailChimp
I’m breaking from talking about Facebook for a minute to discuss how to set up MailChimp for newsletters. Why? Because the next Facebook Page article I was writing explained how to add a newsletter sign-up form to your page… but what if you don’t have a MailChimp account? What Read More
What venues should I focus on?
Last week I talked about why we, as writers, should be out there and invovled in social media. My argument is honestly: Why not? No one is going to sell your books better than you can. The key is knowing what sells you the best. For me, I know I Read More
Why should I connect?
So I’ve been doing a few blogs aimed at authors, mostly because I’m starting to have conversations with established writers, or ones on the road to being published. It seems that a lot of people look at social media and online stuff and wonder, Why should I bother? I understand Read More
Thursday Thirteen: Twitter I Do’s
So a few weeks ago I went off the handle about what makes me click the unfollow button on Twitter. I thought I’d look at the reverse side of the coin this week and talk about things you should do. Some of these are writer specific, but I’m going to try Read More
Thursday Thirteen: Twitter Fouls
I started writing this after having one of them happen to me last week. I know there are a lot of opinions for how to use Twitter, and it works on different levels for lots of people. Here are thirteen twitter fouls that will get me to unfollow and/or block Read More
Twitter Contest!
Today, in celebration of my friend Jodie Becker’s debute release, Dirty Beautiful. I got the chance to read this book before it was published and I loved it. I seriously could not put it down. I love that she spins such an engaging story around a character with a past Read More