Lucky Seven and The Harder He Falls

My lovely friend Karen Booth, who was a guest here last week talking about her new book Long-Distance Lovers, challenged me yesterday. The whole idea of this Lucky Seven challenge is that you go to your latest WIP, or Work in Progress. Scroll to page 77 and find the 7th Read More

Things I’m thankful for in 2012

Dear Reader, I could bore you with my goals for 2012. I’m very goal oriented and part of each day seems to be spent plotting targets of some sort. But that wouldn’t be very interesting to anyone except me. Instead, I want to tell you about some people I’m thankful Read More

Sizzling Hot Blog Tour is Underway!

Yesterday kicked off my first ever blog tour. I’m super excited to be doing this with my friend, Jodie Becker. Her book released in November. I kinda talked about it a little, because it is awesome. Over the next month there will be giveaways and blogs and all kinds of Read More

Teaser Tuesday: Dirty Beautiful by Jodie Becker

Teaser Tuesdays are a book meme hosted by Should be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share Read More