Things I’m thankful for in 2012

Dear Reader,

I could bore you with my goals for 2012. I’m very goal oriented and part of each day seems to be spent plotting targets of some sort. But that wouldn’t be very interesting to anyone except me.

Instead, I want to tell you about some people I’m thankful for being in my life this year. Thanks to their involvement and encouragement, I believe this will be a great year.

First, I’m thankful for my grandmother. Yes, she passed away last year, but her impact on my life has made a difference. I wouldn’t be who I am without her. In a way, I feel like a lot of my plans for 2012 are dedicated to her.

We all have someone we can point a finger at and say, "If it wasn’t for this person, I wouldn’t be where I am today." For me, that’s my childhood best friend, Zibby. Without her influence, I wouldn’t be writing today.

My critique partners, fellow book lovers and writers, Suzan, Jodie, Linda, Carolyn, Alice, Rebekah and Jessica, without their daily input I might not have continued to write and get where I am now. They let me freak out, ramble, bounce ideas off their foreheads and butter them up with Dr Pepper or books.

I would be crazy if I didn’t say thank you to my parents. They might not understand what I do or why, but they’re my biggest support.

So, thanks to my family, friends and readers. You’re going to make 2012 awesome.

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