Bidding on Houses

Dear Reader,

Today I’m not so calm.  I have a few reasons to be a nervous wreck, but today I’ll tell you about one reason in particular.  I’m offering on a house and they’re counter offering and I’m about to offer another lower price than I think the seller will take.

A little known fact, my dad is an experienced trader.  He makes most of his money trading things.  Horses.  Cattle.  Trucks.  Trailers.  Everything he can get his hands on he’ll trade and make a profit.  I know I should trust him with the bidding on my future home but it makes me nervous.

With that said, we’ve talked them down by $10,000 and they aren’t dragging their heels when they make a counter.  They want out of this house, so we’re going to play it cool.  Now if only I was cool.

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