Ball & Chain Trailer Premier!

It’s trailer time! January kicked off the release of the Ball and Chain books.

Of the authors participating, here are just a few and their release dates:

Mr. Sir by Jayne Kingston

out January 16th

Even the most dedicated Dom/sub couples are subject to the pitfalls of domesticity. Right?

Owen and Grace’s kinky life has become a thing of the past. It’s been a year since Owen’s job moved him to a new city and away from all of their old friends. New city, new friends, new house—no play. And it’s making both of them really cranky.

After Grace attempts to take matters into her own hands on their tenth wedding anniversary, Owen realizes he’s failing her as her Dom. He comes up with just the thing to get them back on track—a surprise that’s custom made to keep his feisty little sub bound and begging for more for years to come. At least if everything goes to plan.

Purchase at: Ellora’s Cave

Unexpected Top by Cassandra Carr

out January 18th

Sometimes a wife has to go to extreme measures to save her marriage. Cissy Holden isn’t happy. Her husband Len doesn’t help out around the house and shows little respect for her. Even worse, their sex life leaves much to be desired. The chemistry they enjoyed when they first met has faded and Cissy is at her wits’ end.

She decides to take matters into her own hands—literally—and introduces her wayward husband to the concept of a Female-Led Relationship (FLR). At first he’s all for it since he’s getting sexual favors for doing chores, but as Cissy ratchets up the control, Len starts to wonder if he’s less of a man if he lets her. Even more confusing is the fact that the sex, another area where Cissy has taken control, is through the roof. What does that say about him? Only time will tell if Len will fully jump on board, or if Cissy has made the biggest mistake of her life.

Pre-Order at: Ellora’s Cave | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Extreme Couponing by Sabrina York

out January 23rd

Bella adores her sweet, patient and gentle husband Tae. She would do anything to keep him happy—even pretend to be something she’s not. She acts as if she’s content with their vanilla marriage but she yearns for something more. Something darker.

When Tae discovers Bella’s secret desires, he’s determined to fulfill her every fantasy. He devises a wicked coupon book full of naughty commands and fiendish challenges. From spankings to bondage to erotic play with household implements, he tests her limits.

With each coupon Tae redeems, Bella sinks deeper and deeper into the lifestyle she’s always craved but never had the courage to demand. Now if she can just find a way to be the strong, independent woman Tae fell in love with and the quivering sub she is at her core…

Reader Advisory: Tae and Bella find some very inventive—and erotic—uses for everything from carrots to home-improvement tools. Be forewarned—you’ll never look at candy canes or duct tape the same way again.

Pre-Order at: Ellora’s Cave | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Collar Me in Paris by Sidney Bristol

February 13th

What begins as Clay’s first family vacation with his new wife quickly dives into disaster. He may be the submissive in their relationship, but he’s no shy violet. Bianca has taught him the quickest way to turn her on is a challenge, so he’s throwing down the gauntlet.

Bianca butts heads with not just her brothers but her husband when the family torturing begins. But the joke is on him. She’s ready to put him through the most erotic misery of all. In public, at a night club and all over the city, she’ll show him who is Dominant in their relationship until he’s screaming for more.

Their relaxing Paris vacation turns into a mad dash through the ancient streets, a competition of wills and a new exploration of what it takes to make their relationship work. From bondage, discipline and very public orgasms to navigating the Métro, family feuds and overcoming the language barrier, they’re going to redefine the word fun.

Sidney Sig

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