This has been an interesting week, for sure.
For those of you who are my friends over on Facebook, you’ve seen a few pictures!
First up, since April is all about Autism Awareness, and April 2nd specifically is Autism Awareness Day, I helped dye my boyfriend’s hair a particularly awesome shade of blue. I’m a big fan of the color, and if my hair weren’t so stinking dark, I’d totally have dyed my hair, too. But that’s what happens when you make a crazy plan like that at the last moment.
When I was in college I used to do a lot of girl’s hair. I was never in cosmetology school, but I was the only one brave enough to slather someone else’s hair with bleach and dye. As a result, I’ve had my hair pretty much every color possible. My favorite by far was blue!
This week was also the first session on my new tattoo. No, I’m not sharing the design–yet. I’m going to save that for a nice unveiling when it’s over. But can I just say–foot tattoos friggen hurt! Oh my gosh, people weren’t kidding when they warned me how much the feet can hurt! This was why I went into this tattoo with the full expectation of having to do it in two to three sessions. That means lots of swelling feet and lotion in my future!
Life is adjusting still without Yoshi. Again, for those who follow me on Twitter and Facebook know that Yoshi passed away last week. Mario and I are adjusting, but there’s a Yoshi-shaped-hole in our lives. I plan on doing a post next week about him, along with my favorite pictures over the last two years. Well, one year, eleven months, three weeks and six days. Not that I was counting or anything. Yes, i”m very aware I’m a crazy cat lady, and I embrace it!
Life and writing are moving forward. I’m hard at work on a few potential series. There are exciting things in store! But first, this weekend is International Table Top day, and you bet I’ll be off playing all the board games I own–which has become quite a lot!!