Dear Reader,
Have you been to the movies recently? Have you left the theater wondering what you just watched?
My brother and I went to see Bridesmaids. Yes, my manly brother went to see a raunchy chick flick. We expected to see lots of dirty humor, crazy wedding scenes and maybe a few body parts. While the movie wasn’t disappointing overall, the character arcs of the supporting cast left a lot to be desired. It makes me wonder if Hollywood is slumming it, doing a half assed job on something that takes millions of dollars to make. Why not invest that cash in a good scriptwriter that will sew up those plot holes for you?
Of the cast of supporting characters, only the Bride really got an ‘ending’. There were several story lines that I was curious about when they were brought up, and as a writer I was disappointed that they didn’t deliver on the red herring.
On the flip side, it makes me feel better about what I write. It’s also a reminder to follow through on your promises to your reader. Have you read something, and a character mentions something that piques your interest and you want to know more about it? Were you excited when that played a role later on the line? Or disappointed that they didn’t deliver on it?
Either way, I thought that Bridesmaids could have delivered better on the story lines. I’d suggest it as a rental, to be honest.