Dear Readers,
A couple of things!
First, like the new layout?
Second, winners will be announced for the Kinky Girl Take Over and BDSM Bookapalooza very soon. There were a LOT of giveaways to tally up.
Now, for some awesome news! His Marriage Bargain is now up on All Romance eBooks as well as the Ellora’s Cave site. So, if you like the independent retailer–you can make your purchases there! If Amazon and Barnes & Noble are your sites, they’re coming. Soon. I’m watching and waiting right there with you.
Lastly, I figured why not vlog my current Fast Drafting? I’ve got two books that must be done before I move, so it’s making for some early days.

Interesting new look! You are a busy little beaver! New house, new look! The Vlogs are interesting too. Why haven’t I seen them before? Did I not notice a secret place on your site. I need to explore more. 😉 Congratulations on you book release. I look forward to reading it.
I don’t vlog super often. Most of the time I have it in my head that I need to be super put together for them. Then the fast drafting happened, lol. I sort of decided-screw it. I’m doing this crazy thing, and I sort of want to document it in a series of super early morning vlogs. Because it could be interesting. 😀
Sidney recently posted..The Fast Drafting Author