Happy Monday!! I promised I would share this last week, but with How Zombies Stole Christmas released I was way too crazy to really talk about it. Recap, Thursday was not only book release day, it was my birthday. And this year I decided I would give myself a tattoo. Read More
Tag: random
Fringe: the romance that is–or isn’t– to be.
I’ve been watching Fringe lately on a whim and have made it to the third season. For those who have not seen the show, this blog will have spoilers. If you chose to read on, know that I’ll be discussing major plot points in the series. Still with me? Currently Read More
Disrupting the Cats
Dear Reader, Until lately I haven’t had more than one or two people over to my apartment. 2012 was all about writing and focusing on work. I accepted this, and I’ve been really happy with the results. That said, the latter part of 2012 saw a few more people over Read More