#ROW80 is A Round of Words in 80 Days. It’s a quarterly writing challenge where you define your personal goals and blog each week about your progress. It’s made to be flexible and allow for tweaking.
Wow, it’s been about a week and a half since I last updated. Yikes! That so was not intentional, but I’ve been busy and cranking things out. I’ve just had this beat or rhythm to my days lately that’s just clicked, but it so did not feel that way last week. Last Monday started a little rough, I’m not going to lie. I totally threw a one-person-pity-party, but after indulging in a little woe-is-me, I’ve had a truly rocking week-plus.
The down times are natural, and I think we learn a lot about our resilience and ability to work and think through the rough moments. When you’re young, the bad times hit and the world is surely about to end. I remember thinking my life was over on a regular basis when I was a teen. Thankfully things have improved. I’m not bemoaning the death of time for chipping a nail anymore. Even the worst things can be tackled one step at a time.
But I still think pity parties and ice cream are totally acceptable solutions, too! It’s just about the time and place. Sure, indulge in a good yell, be angry, but don’t hold onto it.
If I’d held onto my pity party, I’m pretty sure the last week and a half would have been very different. I don’t know what it is, but since I woke up last Tuesday, I’ve been in a great mood, the writing has been good and I’ve had a lot of fun. I’d like to think it’s a lot about the mindset a person has, but in all honesty I can’t say for certain. I can only keep the beat I’ve hit upon, and I’m hoping it lasts!
Lately I’ve been obsessed over the above video of Paris dancer Yanis Marshall’s mash up of the Spice Girls songs. His choreography once I fell down the rabbit hole of YouTube videos has been really inspiring to watch. Also? If I ever go to Paris again I want to just go watch one of his classes. Seriously. I’ve also discovered the Anna Kendrick song, Cups, or You’re Going to Miss Me When I’m Gone. I liked it first when I thought it was a break-up song, and even more when I found out it’s more about seizing the moment and doing something for you. I think I’ve really let it inspire me this week.
Okay, so how about some serious book check-in type stuff?
Here’s a hard list of things I’ve accomplished since the last check-in:
- Written about 9,000 words on So Inked #3
- Received, completed and returned edits on How Zombies Stole Christmas
- Turned in three blogs for two tours
- Read a big chunk of a non-fiction book for research
- Purchased two other non-fiction titles for more research
- Written around 5,000 words on a for fun project
It’s not huge numbers. I average around 1,000 words a day, but it’s progress and I can feel myself lengthening that stride in the home stretch of my book. The So Inked books have been a lot of fun, and completing book three will put me over the middle mark. Just two more to go!
What song, album or artist have you been hooked on lately? Does their art help yours?
Hi Syndney,
I’m popping by from the ROW80 linky. It’s my first time here. Nice to meet you!
I’m at work, so can’t check out your videos… yet. Hey, my hubby is the boss, so it’s not like I’ll get fired, but still…
Sounds like you’re burning through all your goals. Good for you!
Tui Snider @mentalmosaic recently posted..Mystery of the Missing Mummy Head
Hive Mind Activate!
Cups has been on loop for me ALL week. Seriously…even Cupcake is starting to sing along, I’ve been playing it THAT much. ^_^
1,000 words a day is great–congratulation! This does sound like you had a great week-and-a-half. Keep that beat going!
Kim recently posted..In the Distance