Tattooed Man Candy with Cynthia Sax

This entry is part 8 of 15 in the series Pricked Party

Don’t forget you can still enter my contest from Saturday or Regina’s from Tuesday!

Today Cynthia Sax, author os super sexy sci-fi and other naughty bits, joins us today. I must admit, when she sent me this blog I might have squee’d a little at the inspriation for her Tattooed Tryst book out now from Ellora’s Cave (see below for more info and buy links).

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The title of this post was inspired by Sidney’s Sharks In Space post (yes! I love sexy sci fi stories and I can’t wait to read Sidney’s Christmas story). For those of you that know me well, that shouldn’t come as a surprise because… well… I steal inspiration from everywhere. Lock me up (ideally with buff, half-naked men) and throw away the key! I’m guilty.

I should probably muse about how Tattooed Tryst, my contribution to the yummy Pricked series from Ellora’s Cave, was inspired by a tattoo. That would be witty and clever.

And a complete lie (about the inspiration… errr… also about me being witty and clever).

Tattooed Tryst germinated from a Cynthia Sax rant. Yeah, here we go. This is one of THOSE posts, right? I saw that eye roll. Don’t think I didn’t!

Yes, it IS one of those posts, but bear with me (or bare with me if you wish – this is a clothing optional post). I do eventually have a point.

I LOVE the Men in Black movies. Much of the plot, I can see happening. Aliens in New York City? The last time I took transit in New York City, I sat beside a pink-haired, Perry-Como-singing man wearing a giant cloth diaper and nothing else. Yes, there ARE aliens in the NYC. I have zero doubts about that.

The biggest issue I have with Men in Black is that humans are in charge of monitoring alien life on Earth. Really? I mean… really? These different alien species have figured out space travel, accomplishing things we can’t even imagine, and WE are monitoring THEM? Bull shaving cream.

So MIB was playing on TV, and I was ranting to my hubby about how that is totally unbelievable. My wonderful hubby and I have been together for 19 years, and he knows the magic question that stops all writer rants. “Do you think you can write a better story?”

Well, dang it, I couldn’t let a challenge like that go unanswered. I zoomed to my computer and typed like a mad woman (which is an apt description for me because I might have sang along with the pink-haired diaper man – Perry Como songs are a weakness of mine). The resulting story was Tattooed Tryst.

In Tattooed Tryst, aliens monitor the other aliens on Earth. The Orogones are assigned this role as they assimilate into societies easily. Looking, sounding, and acting like the locals is their specialty. The aggressive manly-man Orogones in the military field act as bounty hunters, returning aliens who have outstayed their welcome home whether they want to go or not.

Yeah, they are bad a$$ and of course, they have the tattoos to show it. Orogones are born with these mystic markings. Their tattoos are an outer display of their inner souls… which I think is what all tattoos are.

Except many humans have inner souls resembling flowers and kittens, and Orogones have inner souls that are visually depicted by exotic worlds spinning into fiery destruction.

Other than the monitoring alien life on Earth bit, there isn’t that much of a similarity between Tattooed Tryst and Men in Black but I still call Tattooed Tryst my Men in Black series (and it will be a series). Men in Black was the inspiration.

Writers, what serves as your inspiration? Readers, have you spotted an alien lately?


Blurb for Tattooed Tryst:

When a tattooed stranger strides into the diner and gazes at Lori with his flame-infused eyes, she realizes he’s someone special. Something special.

There are tall, gorgeous aliens hidden among us, aliens armed with big guns and burning kisses, aliens taking what they want and whom they want, melting resistance with firm lips and rough, calloused touches. Aliens with fascinating tattoos…

Trake takes one look at the waitress serving up coffee and sultry smiles and knows she’ll be his. With military precision, he begins his passionate assault, using every weapon in his sexual arsenal to seduce Lori. Time is limited. He leaves Earth in nine days and his human mate can’t make the difficult journey. This is his sole chance at the ecstasy of bonding.

He will not fail.

Buy Here: Ellora’s Cave | Amazon | Barnes & Noble



Cynthia Sax lives in a world where demons aren’t all bad, angels aren’t all good, and magic happens every single day. Although her heroes may not always say, “I love you”, they will do anything for the women they love. They live passionately. They fight fiercely. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.


Series Navigation<< Fiona Jayde and Kicking AssThe Intimacy of Ink, with tattoo artist and author James R. Tuck >>

6 thoughts on “Tattooed Man Candy with Cynthia Sax

    • Cynthia Sax says:

      I think writing and dreaming is VERY similar. I’m a pantser (I write by the seat of my pants, having no plot, not knowing what will happen next) and I explain my process as being like dreaming. Dreams come from our brains but we have no control over what happens in them and we don’t know what will happen next. I never know how a story will end until it does.
      Cynthia Sax recently posted..Tattooed TrystMy Profile

  1. Jayne says:

    Seriously, if aliens are smart enough to be living among us, how arrogant are we humans to think we control them. Sheesh!

    I love MIB! Even though you said there’s no similarity, I’ll still be smiling about your story being inspired by that movie when I read it.
    Jayne recently posted..Guest Author ~ Sidney BristolMy Profile

  2. Fedora says:

    LOL!! I love how your story got its genesis! MiB made me laugh and laugh, and while I won’t expect your story to be anything like it, I love knowing that the germ of the idea came from it. How cool! And woot! A series! I adore those! Can’t wait to pick this up, Cynthia!

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