Thursday Thirteen: I should be packing

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series PBP2011

So I think you guys might know by now, but Monday I leave for a two week trip to France.  As of today I have yet to do any real packing, which is a surprise considering how obsessive I am about this kind of thing normally, but this trip is different in a lot of ways.  So, here are thirteen things I need to do or pack before I leave – on Monday.

  1. Call my bank and let them know that when Money is being withdrawn in another country, it’s okay.  I haven’t been pick-pocketed.
  2. Call my insurance company to double-check the procedure for using my insurance in another country.
  3. Making a photocopy of all my important documents.  Making multiple copies so I can leave them in my luggage and with my father.
  4. Dig out my suitcase from the depths of my closet.
  5. Buy the books I want to read while on the plane and waiting for all the cycling stuff to happen.
  6. Get batteries, specifically the lithium ones because apparently you can’t take the others on the flight we’re taking.
  7. Charge all my electronics.
  8. Pack clothes.
  9. Don’t forget things like socks and things with sleeves since it’s going to be colder in France than in Texas.
  10. Adapters so I can charge things in Europe.
  11. Do more figuring out of what I want to see.
  12. Decide if we’re going to London or not and make reservations.
  13. Clean the apartment.
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0 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen: I should be packing

  1. Ally Daniels says:

    I’m sooo jealous, but I hope you have a safe trip and lots and lots of fun. Download lots of eBooks and make sure to charge the eReader before you get on the plane. 😉

    Also, make sure you throw out any food that might go bad while you’re gone. Don’t want to come back to a stinky fridge!

    • Sidney says:

      LOL! Those are both things on my list of things to do. I’ve actually been leaning heavily on going out to eat to I’m not buying more food to throw away.

  2. Heather says:

    have I mentioned how jealous I am? Would love a return trip to France. Make sure you take lots of great pics to share with us when you return. Wishing you a fun and safe journey!

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