A new beginning.

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series ROW80 2nd Quarter 2013

I didn’t do so well last time I tried to do A Round of Words in 80 Days. In fact, I think I dive bombed myself in the first month!

So first, what is A Round of Words in 80 Days, you ask? It’s a writing challenge customized to fit your life, your activities and what you’re doing. Each week we do blog check-in’s on Wednesdays and/or Sundays, check out each other’s blogs and cheer everyone on.

2013 has been all about learning balance for me. I’ve struggled with it and will probably continue to do so for a while longer. It’s just a long learning process, and I’m okay with that!

My goals for this ROW80 are as followed:

  • Finish writing my Christmas novella, Snow Maid
  • Edit Snow Maid
  • Get through at least one round of edits on The Harder He Falls
  • Begin writing So Inked #3

I’m going to pick back up blogging about my health on Tuesdays and keeping these posts on Wednesdays. Today I just wanted to give ROW80 a real kick-off. Wednesday I’ll talk more about my progress!!

Sidney Sig

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