
This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series ROW80 2nd Quarter 2013

#ROW80 is A Round of Words in 80 Days. It’s a quarterly writing challenge where you define your personal goals and blog each week about your progress. It’s made to be flexible and allow for tweaking.


Yes, I know we aren’t that far into this round of ROW80, but I wanted to go ahead and get into the habit of posting. Not that there isn’t a lot to say. I’ve only had two days to work on writing things and let’s face it, Mondays aren’t all that conducive to anything except the minimum.

772709_16668012I’d hoped to write 2K a day this week, but I only managed 600 and some change Monday and around 1,600 on Tuesday. Not the best, but I realized a critical error in not better figuring out the romantic motivation. There was motivation, but the way I was doing it wasn’t going to throw the characters into the more advanced stages of lust until later in the story. So I’m working a little magic, doing some in-writing editing and making it work.

One of the things I love about working on Snow Maid is that I get to use a lot of Russian culture, folklore and magic. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t intentional. I know that the Russian bent is one of my writing quirks. I have several stories that draw on those elements, but I figure there are so many that pull on traditional European mythology, my love for all things Russian won’t be that big of a deal.

HighOctaneHeroes websiteI also did a cover reveal for the new anthology, recently renamed High Octane Heroes. This one was called Sex Objects, but after evaluating the stories accepted into the anthology, they decided it should be tweaked a little. The overall theme is the ultimate alpha hero who can fight the bad guys, rescue the woman and still get love. It’s kind of a stereotype on steroids kind of thing going on. My story is called Once Upon a Time in Mukdahan and is about a war hero rescuing the woman he’s always wanted from human traffickers, only to find out she’s wanted him all along. They kind of rescue each other, which is my "thing" when I write a book.

For a first week check-in, this wasn’t awful. By this time next week I want to add about 10K to Snow Maid and be on the home run stretch. Hopefully. Life has a way of making things interesting for me.

Is there a "thing" you like to work into your books? Mythology? Issues? Causes?

Sidney Sig

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2 thoughts on “Firsties!

    • Sidney says:

      Yes! There are universal themes everyone can understand. Lock onto that and you can dress it however you like and people will still relate. Thanks for stopping by!
      Sidney recently posted..Firsties!My Profile

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