Tattoo Tales: Healing, and everything they don’t tell you about scabs.

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series Tattoo Tales

So in my previous tattoo blogs I’ve talked about everything from picking a shop, to designing the tattoo and the actual sitting for it. Whenever you look at aftercare or when your artist tells you about it, the process usually involves a little washing, a little moisturizer and that’s it. Read More

Tattoo Tales: Scheduling your appointment.

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Tattoo Tales

Scheduling your appointment?  Why would I talk about that? You know tattoos hurt.  So why would you want to get a tattoo before you’re going to go do something?  Or with a big event a few days away? Scheduling your tattoo appointment isn’t a hard part of the process, but Read More

Tattoo Tales: The ink you want, and the ink you don’t.

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Tattoo Tales

So I’m returning to the whole idea of Tattoo Tales, sharing with you all of the things I’ve learned about the inking process.  To recap, I’ve talked about making wise tattoo decisions, the permanent changes in life that having ink makes and picking a shop that’s right for you.  Today Read More

Tattoo Tales: It’s permanent, and not like a sharpie.

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Tattoo Tales

I’m late in posting today.  The weekend got away from me.  Right. So onward! I’m doing a series on tattoos and talking about the entire process.  Last week I threw the idea out there and this week I want to talk about chosing tattoos and accepting how they will impact Read More

Tattoo Tales: Tattooing and Making Wise Decisions

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Tattoo Tales

People approach me often about my tattoos.  Mine are so bright they’ve been mistaken as clothing or body paint.  Generally, people are curious about them, the process, the story behind the tattoo, and how badly it hurt.  I’ve always welcomed conversations about them, because with anything else a better educated Read More