Goodye #ROW80

This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series ROW 80 4th quarter 2012


Today is my tardy end of A Round of Words in 80 Days post. Okay, so it doesn’t end till tomorrow, but I have a guest blogger tomorrow and doing it today just works into my schedule, so here we are.

I started this round with some really lofty goals. I wanted to edit my novel and sub it to my editor, write a complete novel then start another. I wanted to do lots and lots of things.

And then I needed surgery.

And then I had to recover.

And then I didn’t trust myself to work on the projects on my list because drugged up me might screw them up.

And then I started a book that wasn’t on my list, because that’s what drugged up, recovery types do.

I’m accepting that things don’t always go according to plan. And that’s okay. Life happens. You get curve balls. And you just roll with it. I’m feeling good about where I am, both writing and health wise. Would I have liked to do more? Yes. Am I bummed about what I have done? Not at all.

I’m on track to sub the book I wanted to get to my editor weeks ago by the end of the year. I should also finish writing that unplanned book sometime in January. I don’t have any opportunity to slack, so I’m going to keep up my momentum and keep working.

See you all next year!

Sidney Sig

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