A special edition check-in #ROW80

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series ROW 80 1st quarter 2013

#ROW80 is A Round of Words in 80 Days. It’s a quarterly writing challenge where you define your personal goals and blog each week about your progress. It’s made to be flexible and allow for tweaking.

I decided that I would deviate from my typical Wednesday only update since I’m just starting this round. That and I feel like it so it works out.

January is almost a complete wash for me. Between the work trip and all the social events going on I haven’t had an opportunity to accomplish even a fraction of what I wanted. It’s frustrating, especially since I haven’t been able to do anything I wanted to since my surgery. I’d like to attain something of a normal schedule again. Someday. Sadly, probabl

Writing Goals

I haven’t had a chance to really work on anything on my actual writing goals list. I’ve been working on getting all of my promotional guest blog posts written that were past due for a publisher organized blog tour. Now that those are done I can lighten up a little and try to juggle things. Though I’d hoped to crack open Service Optional this weekend, that’s not going to happen for a few days yet. I have some edits to clean up and a few synopsis to write on top of doing four contest judgings for my local RWA chapter. I would expect next weekend to be the earliest I can get back to writing new, real words. Disappointing, but there you have it.

Health Goals

This last week we broke out the tape and did measurements. While my bust increased by two inches, my hips dropped at least three quarters of an inch, so that’s awesome. My pants really are too big for me and I need to just go ahead and get a smaller size. Darn. Shopping. I’m so sad!

I would say that for this coming week I’d really like to finally shed a bit more weight and be a pound down by my weigh-in on Thursday. That means that when I check in on Wednesday I won’t really have anything to say, but oh well.

Social Goals

I didn’t do a good job of balancing this week. Wednesday I knew I would be out at a class. I thought I would spend both Thursday and Friday at home working. Instead I went out on Thursday — after writing a blog post! The blog post was good, but I really could have used that writing time. I’m still glad I went, but I really need to better manage my writing time and make the most of it. I actually have nothing coming up this week as far as the weeknights go so I might try to buckle down and not go anywhere. It’s a good plan, I just don’t know if it’ll work out.

Heart Divider

I think between now and when I do my check-in on Wednesday I’d like to have all of my January blogs done and turned in. I’d also like to have my synopsises written and a good chunk of the edits complete. Not a lot to do, but right now I feel the need to take baby steps!

Sidney Sig

Series Navigation<< Late start to #ROW80, but I’m here!Rolling on #ROW80 >>

9 thoughts on “A special edition check-in #ROW80

  1. S. J. Maylee says:

    A normal week, as scheduled, I so want this back. My first week this round went like clock work and then this past week, yuck, apparently all bets were off. Good for you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Work hard on your must do short list and then play with words, sounds good to me. Hope you have a rockin week.
    S. J. Maylee recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday #50 Unending BlackMy Profile

  2. Cate Russell-Cole says:

    Hi Sidney, it looks like Kait has hit some trouble and we have no mid-week check-in. So no one is left out, please come over to our Facebook group and leave a link to your check-in post and we will be over to visit. The page address is https://www.facebook.com/groups/row80/ Alternatively, email me at katiecrcole@gmail.com and I’ll pass your post on. I know Facebook isn’t everyone’s cup of tea!

    Should we have no Linky on Sunday, we’ll just keep working this way until things sort themselves out.

    Cate (Round 1 Sponsor)

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