Guest Blogger: Jayne Kingston’s getting kinky!

Hi, Sidney! Thank you for letting me hang out on your blog today! I have something of a confession to make—I never intended to write BDSM. For one, it has been done, and done exceptionally well, countless times before. For two, I wasn’t personally familiar with the subject aside from Read More

Ball & Chain Trailer Premier!

It’s trailer time! January kicked off the release of the Ball and Chain books. Of the authors participating, here are just a few and their release dates: Mr. Sir by Jayne Kingston out January 16th Even the most dedicated Dom/sub couples are subject to the pitfalls of domesticity. Right? Owen Read More

Jayne Kingston dishes about Ink Lust and youth.

Today I have my very last Pricked Party guest. I can’t believe July is almost over! Without further ado, here is the lovely Jayne Kingston… — Thanks so much for having me on your blog today, Sidney! I appreciate the opportunity to share a little about Ink Lust, my contribution Read More

It’s a Pricked Party!

This entry is part 1 of 15 in the series Pricked Party

Hello Dear Readers!! You might have noticed me talking about July, my book Under His Skin and the other Ellora’s Cave Pricked books releasing this month. I’ve organized a lot of guest spots with the other authors. So stay tuned for blogs, giveaways and a lot of ink slinging action. Read More