Day 2 #NaNoWriMo Snippet

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series NaNoWriMo 2011


It was hard to pick a snippet today. My biggest challenge was explaining roller derby within the context of the story. That’s not interesting unless I share the whole scene, and that’s stinking long. So instead, here’s a big reveal for our hero, Blake.

Henry shrugged, and sucked in a breath as one of the Dames took a hard tumble on the straight away headed in their direction.

She popped up, tossing back pigtails of thick, curling hair. Her face was a mask of determination, lips set into a line and her eyes trained on the back of the pack running away from her.

It was Blake’s turn to suck in a deep breath of air.

Kendra was on the track. Kendra Snow, delicate, intelligent, programming Kendra.

She slid into the turn, crossing one leg over the other and building up speed. She wore the blue team top, tiny black shorts and under that he could see six inches of fishnet covered thigh before thigh high socks, held up by garters, protected her legs.

Blake’s eyes were glued on her as she entered the pack, ducking and swerving her way into the melee of elbows and hips. She laid her ass into one girl, sending her flying. Then redirected her aim and used her body to knock the Roller’s jammer almost out of bounds on the inside of the track.

From Sex on Wheels, ’11 NaNoWriMo project

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2 thoughts on “Day 2 #NaNoWriMo Snippet

    • Sidney says:

      It’s hard to balance. I knew that for mine to make sense, because I’m running three concurent plot lines and there’s a lot of on the track time, I needed to explain it early on and with enough detail a reader understood it. I actually had Blake watch the explanation jam and explained it using an obnoxious announcer, which was a lot of fun to write. And also gave me a ton of words, lol. I think it depends on how much the game plays into your story.
      Sidney recently posted..Teaser Tuesday: Dirty Beautiful by Jodie BeckerMy Profile

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