Six Sentence Sunday: Personal Adventures

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series Personal Adventures

Welcome back for another installment of Six Sentence Sunday. This week I’m sharing the opening six lines from my book Personal Adventures. This is a friends-to-lovers story between two people with different backgrounds and cultures, brought together by their mutual love for the great outdoors.

Carey  was so nervous his balls were sweating. Today he was going to do it. He was going to stop acting as if he were a mooning teenager, and ask her out.

Grabbing another set of oars, he slid them onto pegs mounted into the barn wall. The scent of fall was thick on the air. It was the short lull in Colorado between the summer white water rapid and hiking tours ending, and when they would begin prepping for the winter cross country and snowmobile tours.

And there you have it. I’m going to be snipping lines from the opening scene over the next few weeks, and I have some news to share about this book tomorrow, so pop back in and say hi.

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13 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday: Personal Adventures

  1. Guilie says:

    Nice stuff here! Great opening scene, lots of tension and compelling action. Just a little typo in the last line: I don’t think the “the” was supposed to be there before “when” 🙂 Sure you already caught it, but just in case. Look forward to more!
    Guilie recently posted..Six Sentence Sunday (March 18)My Profile

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