Checking in for me

A Round of Words in 80 Days Logo
This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series ROW 80 4th quarter 2012


I’m doing a quick ROW80 check in today, simply because it’s pretty much lunch, I’m a little brain dead and I feel like doing something to get the gears running.

Since my last check in I’ve attended a convention. Romanticon up in Ohio, hosted by Ellora’s Cave. It was amazing and I’m still getting caught up. I need to do a recap sometime this weekend.

As far as ROW80 stuff I can talk about, I actually lost weight instead of gaining while I was away. This in part was helped along by finally having a diagnosis on Tuesday. I have a wonky gallbladder. My options are change my diet, or get sliced and diced. I’m opting for changing my diet, which meant a lot of going away from the conference hotel to eat and looking for grilled or baked items.

The short story I sent last week didn’t get to the editor, and I spent a few days fighting with the hotel internet to send the document again. It’s in her hands now and I’ll hear something in January.

Writing news, I received my line edits for A Kiss for a Cure. I also received the cover, which I showed off yesterday. The line edits are done differently than I’ve done them before, and there is a lot to work on so I’m a little nervous. This has a due date of the 20th, so that’s sitting on me, as well as the blogs and stuff I have to do for an upcoming blog tour.

Basically there’s so much to do, and not a whole lot of time to do it or recover from the conference, but that’s how the cards have fallen.

The way I help myself figure out what to work on is by using lists. I’ve also discovered a virtual sticky board made by LeanKit called KanBan which makes for a good visual work flow if necessary.

What about you? Do you have any organizational tricks or tips?

Series Navigation<< The first check markA week of editing. >>

3 thoughts on “Checking in for me

  1. John Holton says:

    As far as organization tools, try either Springpad or Evernote. They’re essentially the same thing, giving you the ability to create bookmarks, notes and checklists and store them in one or more virtual notebooks. I personally like Springpad, mostly because that’s the one that caught my eye first.

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