Handling food guilt.

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Healthier Me 2013

Welcome back Dear Reader!

I took last week off from talking about this whole health journey because I was so close to finishing a book. Which I then went ahead and did, so I have a little bit of time to breathe. That’s nice.

The last two weekends have been pretty full of events. First, there was the Bondage Expo Dallas conference and last weekend I was helping out my mom with a big cycling event. They both made for very full weekends, not a lot of time to plan meals and snacks accordingly. A lot of it had to be whatever was on hand, and when you’re dealing with quick food it’s usually not exactly healthy. Any wonder our country is in the current state that it is? Not really.

Strawberries n Cream 1For the most part I do well with portion sizes. These days. It hasn’t always been that way.

And then there are times when you just don’t want to eat anything healthy.

A nice big slice of pizza. Some ice cream. A soda. Pure gluttony. And you love every minute of eating it.

But not the food guilt that comes after.

When I began the Jenny Craig program my coach would ask me about my progress during a week, we’d talk about my slip-ups and she would almost always ask me if I felt guilty about those. The truth?


Somehow I got off pretty lucky, and I rarely feel guilty for eating something that’s a splurge. Okay, every now and then I have a super indulgent weekend or something and I don’t feel great about my choices, but they happen.

The point that I’m trying to make, in a very round-a-bout fashion, is that we all need wiggle room to indulge. Not being able to ever eat pizza, have a cookie or that beer is stupid. In my experience, the key is to keep those foods as a luxury, not a staple in your diet.

How do you deal with food guilt?

Sidney Sig

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