Giveaway Alert: Roni Loren and Need You Tonight

This entry is part 12 of 39 in the series Kinky Girl Take Over

Giveaway Alert! Don’t forget about the giveaways posted yesterday. You can still win a book from meCarrie Ann Ryan’s contest is still runningElise Logan has a contest going for a copy of her back list and I’m giving away a copy of Bound with Pearls. Don’t miss those!

Please welcome my fellow NT RWA member–Roni Loren to the hot seat! She’s graciously joined us today for a giveaway.

NeedYouTonightFinalShe’s making a wish list, and he wants to be on top.

From foster kid to trophy wife, Tessa McAllen is about to reinvent herself all over again–and defy every insult her cheating ex-husband ever used against her: Selfish? She’s championing a charity. Stupid? She’s getting her degree.

Boring in bed?

Kade Vandergriff can help her with that one. When they encounter each other at a singles event held at one of his restaurants, Tessa blurts out that kink is for girls who try too hard, and Kade instantly wants to show this sassy stranger how thrilling a night under his command can be…but when he learns her name, the game changes for both of them.

In high school, Tessa was the popular girl who stuttering, awkward Kade fell for. But she chose another. Now, as she eagerly learns lesson after lesson, he’s going to make sure she never forgets him again.

Read the first chapter.

Find Roni:




CONTEST: Win a signed copy of NEED YOU TONIGHT! (U.S./Canada only)

Leave a comment and tell us what’s the best kinky book you’ve read this year.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Series Navigation<< Serena Biggs: Spouses who shareKeira Kohl: A swinging apartment complex >>

5 thoughts on “Giveaway Alert: Roni Loren and Need You Tonight

  1. Pansy Petal says:

    Oh my! This is really a hard question for me. I read so many, and I enjoy most of them. So, to name the best kinky book I ever read – next to impossible. So I am going to answer with – the one I am currently reading, Bound by Lorelei James – and since I have just started it, I can’t really say how good it is other than so far, so good. I need to go read now.

  2. Cara O says:

    There are s many good kinky books that I’ve read so far this year! I’ll go with Unrestrained By Joey W. Hill though, it was amazing! caraolson24(at)yahoo(dot)com

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