Stories from the BDSM Life: Chevrolet

This entry is part 38 of 39 in the series Kinky Girl Take Over

Giveaway Alert!  You can still win a prize from Tina Donahueyou can still win a book from Cari QuinnPortia Da Costa still has her boxed set giveaway,Jennah Scott is giving away an ebook AND Sabrina York is offering up a copy of Making Over Maris. Don’t miss these!

When I started to plan for this event, I wanted to include author posts as well as some blogs written by people who live the BDSM lifestyle to some degree. Today’s guest is remaining anomymous and names changed to respect privacy. 🙂

I grew up in a very conservative household where we went to church twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday. Church choir (both vocal and handbell) was a way of life and my mother was often the choir director. They put the fear of God into me (literally and figuratively) regarding anything related to sex. But I’m a reader and have a curious mind so I read all about it. I would sneak a peek at fiction books, medical books, and Cosmo magazine at the library where my mother worked. My mother, a reader of “bodice rippers”, often left her books in the bathroom and upon discovering they held lots of sex scenes I’d lock myself in the bathroom and flip through looking for those passages. My father finally had “the talk” with me which consisted of him stammering about until he finally asked if I had questions about sex. Nope, not me, I’d read all about it. I knew it all. And then, at seventeen, I met Lisa a fellow virgin and lover of books.

In a story too long to tell here Lisa and I started dating and about six months in she called and, out of the blue, asked if I wanted to lose my virginity with her. Not surprisingly I said, “of course!” I was seventeen and just out of high school, working part time, and had an apartment that I shared with a roommate who was going to be out of town. The planets were all in alignment. I bought lube and condoms, Lisa came over, and instead of jumping into things we talked. We talked about things we’d read about that we wanted to try, we talked about sex dreams we’d had that we wanted to act out, and we talked about the myriad of positions we found interesting. We spent the weekend in bed and tried anything and everything from bondage to anal from 69 to doggy style. We’d only stop to eat, for short naps, and the occasional shower. It was through this that I learned three important things 1) that I love performing oral sex but don’t care much about receiving 2) that seeing a woman tied up and “helpless” was quite erotic and 3) that a woman with bigger breasts, a rounded soft belly, and a round butt was my kryptonite. I also learned that silk ties are lousy for bondage but that too is a different story.

Fast forward about 10 years and I’m now working at the same library where my mother used to work when Carol walks in. She’s confident, she’s beautiful, and she’s got the exact body shape that makes me crazy. Gathering up nerve I didn’t often exhibit publicly I talked to her and found out that in addition to the physical things she was smart, had a quick wit, was sarcastic, and very funny. I was smitten. I asked her out that day for dinner that evening. It ended up being about a three hour dinner we got so wrapped up in discovering each other and laughing and being silly together. We became exclusive that evening and were a great match. It’s about two weeks later when Carol comes to me and says those dreaded words, “We need to talk.” My heart sank for I immediately pictured the worst. She must have seen it in my face because she quickly reassured me that nothing was wrong but there were things I needed to know.

She came over to my house that evening. I lived just outside of town in a small two bedroom house that sat on about three acres of mostly wooded land. I’d often sit outside on my front porch looking at the stars and this is where we went to chat. “I have certain…things about me that you don’t know. Certain desires,” she began. I glanced at her and saw the trepidation so I took her hand and told her she could tell me anything. It took her awhile to work up the nerve but finally she started up again, “There are things I like. Sexually. Things that might be a bit…odd. I don’t want to freak you out but things are going so well I thought I’d share now before we’re both so invested that I get hurt if you think I’m a…freak.”

“Before you go on let me tell you a little about me and my experience,” thinking this would help ease her mind. I told her about losing my virginity, I told her about some of what I liked (performing oral) and didn’t and soon she opened up to me.

“I like to be tied up,” she said slowly looking out into the yard where firefly’s danced. “I like to be tortured. I have a pair of nipple clamps that I want to try. I’ve used them on myself but not with someone else controlling things. And that brings up something else. I don’t want to be in control. I want to be told what to do and when to do it. If I don’t do it I want you to spank me…hard.”

“Okay, so nipple clamps and spankings don’t seem to be that torturous. What aren’t you telling me?” I ask for I knew there was more and that she was holding back.

“You promise you won’t think badly of me?” and I shook my head in response. “I want forced orgasms.”

“Forced?” I asked because I’d not heard this term before.

“I want you to use…things on me. In me. I want to orgasm again and again and again until my body is shaking from it all. But I want to orgasm from objects. Objects that might not be strictly seen as sex toys. And when you don’t think I can take anymore I want you to enter me and use me.”

“Objects? Such as?” for I had some ideas already but wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

“Like…I don’t know…cucumbers…bottles…whatever you think of that you want to use on me but I want to be tied up while you do this. Tied so that I’m spread eagle on the bed and I can’t stop you.”

My mind was whirling. “Your safe word?” I asked and Carol hugged me then because she knew I was agreeing.

“Chevrolet,” she replied.

That night began a year-long romance. We talked more that night and the next day I went shopping for ropes and objects I could use with her. These “sessions” were not an every day occurrence and we’d often have sex outside of the “sessions” but when she was ready to play she’d call me at work and whisper into the phone, “prose”, an anagram of ropes but an innocuous word that would mean nothing if overheard.

Our romance ended not because of her interests or our sex life but because she finished school and was moving up to Indiana for a job. We thought about trying things long distance but we realized that moving on was probably the best thing for us both. We had one final session the night before she left and after we hugged and said our goodbyes and never saw each other again.

Series Navigation<< Tilly Greene: Ups and Downs of Trying Something New#BDSMBookapalooza and Kinky Girl have come to an end. >>

2 thoughts on “Stories from the BDSM Life: Chevrolet

  1. Pansy Petal says:

    What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it. Now, are you still single? 😉 Seriously, where have guys like you been all my life. I read stories, but my experience, well I am not going there. But, maybe there is still hope . . .

  2. John says:

    Pansy, thanks for your comment. I’m no longer single but I will tell you that there are others guys like me out there. I’ll admit to being very lucky in the girl with whom I lost my virginity. We got along great and cared for each other but both of us being nerdy and having read a lot but, more so, talking things out was fantastic. When you meet a guy you care about talk about what you like and don’t and about what you’re curios to try. There are quite a few turn-ons lists online that you can go through with a partner to help start the conversation.

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